Questions & Answers for UGANDA BAATI - Kampala

Here you will find questions & answers for UGANDA BAATI. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
Would you please share latest prices and types of iron sheet via my email?
I need to know the current different prices of different iron sheets
May I have prices for all types of iron sheets
May I have access the to the price your products
How much is super echo sheets G30 and G28
Can axcess the price list for uganda baati products?
Need a quotation for 120 sheets for reinscot and 100 verstile
How do l get access to your price list? I have been trying to get one without success p
How do I open an account with Uganda Baati, what's the minimum deposit and for how long?
How much is super echo sheets G30 and G32
I intend to roof my house with vestile sheets from Uganda baati, Estimated number of sheets is 95,36 ridges and 24 valleys. What is the cost. Do you have reliable agent near Bugiri.
How much is versatile iron sheets gauge 28?
Hello send me the various iron sheets u have have and there respective prices. Thank you.
I would like to know the prices of versatile iron sheets.any authorized dealer of Uganda baati products in busia?
I would like to know the current prices of Versatile and CMX iron sheets
What are the prices of all the types iron sheets from your company?
2.How long does it take if one puts an order to get his iron sheets?
3.Do you make some delivery?
I would like to know the price of all the iron sheets.
What are the products of Uganda baati

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