Questions & Answers for PRIME VENTURE - Kampala

Here you will find questions & answers for PRIME VENTURE. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
What's happening with prime venture?
Many including me invested in 2019 currently are all block. Could this be scam companies
I failed to login today with my usual account..i think prime ventures is a BIG SCAM if not then challenge my truth
Why is my security pin not matching with my account
I have been trying so often to transfer money from my account to another account but it keeps on telling me that the pin I have been using since I open this account does not match the security pin. What does this mean??
Please when did the network of Airtel be ready ?
How is the network of airtel money ,I withdrew money buh I have not received it ,it was $340 .I have to take this money to the bank please help me yet my account expired

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