Questions & Answers for SBT UGANDA (KAMPALA)

Here you will find questions & answers for SBT UGANDA (KAMPALA). All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
I would like to get a car loan what are the requirements?
I would like to get a car loan from SBT Uganda but what are the requirements?, How much is the initial deposit? What is the loan repayment period? and where do i find your cars to have a look at them if I am to make a selection?
I need a complete engine for JTEBZ29J********. It’s a land cruiser UK. Send me a quote
What is the cost of Toyota Prado Tx model 2006. How much tax is payable ready to be on the road?
What's the cost of a Toyota Elf wen its here in Ug.??
Just inquiring how much tax does a Toyota Passo model 2005 pay in uganda shillings and how much can the total purchase be inclusive of the taxes and the same to Toyota Raum model 2004
Does SBT have a bond in uganda where i can simply go , see the vehicle i need to buy, and pay for or do i always have to order from japan?

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