St. Andrea Kahwa's CollegeBujumbura Road Carol House, P.O.Box 153 +256 465 440053, +256 779988411
St. Andrea Kahwa's CollegeBujumbura Road Carol House, P.O.Box 153 +256 465 440053, +256 779988411
This is the best school in the whole of bunyoro. Atleast the two years i was at this school I managed to secure my future. Alot of thanks to REV.FR PASCO and all the staff members not forgetting our one and only madam kahooza.
I have just completed S4 after sitting for UCE exams 2020 and got 32 aggregates. I would like to know if am able to get a vacancy at St. Andrea. If it's possible, may I know the fees structure for A level. Thank you.
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