The Manager Resource Centre (TMRC) is a registered Limited Liability company incorporated in the Republic of Uganda.
Companies, Organisations, Institutions and Businesses are grappling with the dilemma of management. They would like to maximise returns from their resources and assets by having the right Managers to drive the desired change. That is what TMRC offers you.
TMRC is your “One Stop Centre” of solutions to Management challenges or problems of our time. This is in line with our slogan “Leadership with Distinction all the Way”.
We believe and know that Management is to simplify life using simple, real life and timely solutions to the problems or challenges faced.
As TMRC, we provide you with “Real Time Solutions to overcome the Show more Management Challenges or Problems”.
TMRC envisions “Leadership with Distinction”.
The services TMRC offers in Packages. We have four (4) packages delivered through modules, tailored to the client’s need;
1. Program / Project Management Package.
2. Organisational and Institutional Package.
3. Management Package.
4. Publication Package.
If personal or business development ideas, strategies and hacks is what you're looking for, this is the place to go.
Even when you don't know what you want, they do and they can help you find yourself.
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The accuracy of the company profile for The Manager Resource Centre is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator. Last update on Registered with us on