3 days Murchison Falls Safari in Uganda

3 days Murchison Falls Safari in Uganda
About the product
This 3 day Safari to Murchison Falls National Park, gives you a great time in the wild with great sights of the magnificent Murchison falls that falls from a 45m wall through an 8m wide gorge hence giving it a very scenic look and a thunderous roar of the waters before it continues with its course on the Victoria Nile, amazing vegetation types especially Savannah and amazing wildlife species such as lions, warthogs, elephants, antelopes, Nile crocodiles and birds like Goliath heron, kingfishers, rare shoebill, the storks among others. The park was established in 1926 as a game reserve hence is Uganda’s oldest and largest, situated in Northwestern Uganda, on an area of 3,80sqkm and home to over 460 bird and 76 mammal species.
Highlights of the safari
Day 1: Transfer to Murchison with a stopover of Rhino tracking at Ziwa
Day 2: Morning Game drive, Launch cruise and hike to the falls.
Day 3: Return to Kampala.

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