List of Companies in Alebtong, Uganda

Searching for businesses in Alebtong? Explore a directory of 4 companies located in Alebtong, Uganda. Top companies in Uganda, businesses near me.
We found 4 companies

PadoRa singhania

pasha kamal house, Alebtong
Writing a company description massively increases the chances of you being found on and on the internet. It is essential that your description is written in proper English with good grammar to help your page to do well and to represent your business ...
 Verified+6  Years with us


20 new west avenue, Alebtong
We can clean out black notes green notes called anti-breeze (stained notes) so please if you have made a kind of notes making business that yours is stacked we can help you clean the notes so please if u know some one that his notes is stacked as well. We can ...
 Verified+7  Years with us

cheap deals ltd

65 aseem, Alebtong
CHEAP DEALS LTD. An Online Cell Phones Shop where you can buy Unlocked Mobile Phones online and enjoy online shopping . We stock latest range of Bluetooth Mobile Phones from Apple iPhones, Blackberry, Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, L.G, H.T.C, e.t.c ...
 Verified+11  Years with us

Mobile Phones Limited

20 allen drive, Alebtong
We are selling all kinds of Brand new original and unlocked mobile Phones and they are all with complete accessories. Apple iphone 5s 64GB Apple iphone 5s 32GB Apple iphone 5s 16GB Apple iphone 5c 64GB Apple iphone 5c 32GB Apple iphone 5c 16GB Apple iphone 5 6...
 Verified+11  Years with us