
About the product
a fully fledged laboratory management system (LIMS) to manage electronic lab requests, bar-code samples, enter manual results, collect electronic results and reporting.

we can connect to analyzers such as COBAS E411, COBAS C311, COBAS C111, SYSMEX XS1000, SYSMEX XT2000, Mindray BS200, MINDRAY BC5380, MINI CAP (HB Electrophoresis), HUMALYTE , CLINDIAG, CELL-DYN, MINI VIDAS.

we can also integrate it to systems such as ClinicMaster, Navision, AMS (Kenya) ,SAP, EasyClinic . We support multiple technologies to enable integration this includes XML, Bridges for Databases, WEb Services etc

you should use lab guru because;

1. Improve Efficiency in Sample and Data Management and reduce typing errors

2. Improve test processing turnaround time hence Increase the Number of people seen; thus improved productivity

3. Data and information security will greatly improve

4. Automate the Lab Result Generation process, thus make work easier for the staff by reducing too much paper work

5. Generate real-time Statistics for planning purposes and to guide in procurement of resources
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