Biomass Energy Accelerated Training [B.E.A.T]

Biomass Energy Accelerated Training [B.E.A.T]
About the product
The unprecedented number of unemployed youth and women in Uganda is alarming and this can be blamed on the sheer demographic force of the country’s increasing youth population, as well as the skills gap between education and the jobs of the country’s evolving workplace and the missed opportunities of the Ugandan government to promote informal sectors. This therefore calls for the need for systematic change beyond government policies to combat the unemployment issue head on
Basing on the former premises combined with intensive research, consultations and testing the directors of Firebriq company limited unanimous rubber-stamped the BEAT program in light that it would not only skill the youth but also empower them with the necessary financial literacy understanding to enable them run a renewable energy enterprise their by creating jobs, improving household livelihoods but also above all else protecting and conserve the environment
Program Objectives
• Sensitization and education, tackling environmental issues and global climate change.
• Production techniques, briquettes production, stoves and brooding kits fabrication.
• Hands-on skills, value addition and transformation of the traditional sector.
• Business management skills, micro enterprise management, accounting and marketing basics.
• Consultancy work, supply and value chain, drivers cost valuation, market penetration and strategy business development.
• Develop improved biomass stoves for use with developed biomass briquettes
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