Questions & Answers for Vision For Africa International

Here you will find questions & answers for Vision For Africa International. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
May I know whether there are employment opportunities in Vision for Africa International?
How can be recriuted into vision for Africa
My names are Nantagya Ibra, I am in luweero village, I'm supposed to be in senior one this year but due to financial problems I can nolonger enjoy schooling. What should my guardian do inorder to get a sponsor from your organization to help me in paying for me school fees?
This is Lillian I would like to know the procedures to take when requesting for a sponsorship am really badly off
My name is Sylvia, I have always admired to work with Vision for Africa. How is it possible for me to join you?
My name is Sylvia, I have always admired to work with Vision for Africa. How is it possible for me to join you?
How does one qualify for sponsorship
How do I get a sponsorship for my children from vision for Africa
Do you employ people with diplomas also?
How can I get sponsorship for my children?
I have a daughter in S.4 vacation and i wanted her to study baking... I wanted to know the cost and when the next intake is.

Thank u
I wanted to get bursary for my two kid of p.1 and p3

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