Questions & Answers for UAP Insurance Co. Ltd - Kampala

Here you will find questions & answers for UAP Insurance Co. Ltd. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
Which optical hospitals that use UAP insurance cards in mbarara
I lost my son's UAP medical insurance card, how can I replace it?
I lost my UAP insurance card, how can I replace it?
Am interested in undertaking livestock insurance specifically diary cattle insurance. How can I be helped?
I what to know hospitals under UAP insurance
Who are the UAP service providers in Mukono?
I would like to know the family package 0f 4
List of hospitals with UAP insurance scheme.
I want the list of hospitals under UAP insurance
list of hospitals under UAP insurance
Can i be availed a list of your related Hospitals & Clinics.
Thank you.
How do I determine the medical treatment orders on my medical card?
How much is a 4-day travel insurance to Slovenia
It came some time back that you closed business .If i was insured with you how can i access , to claim compensation.
Hello. Some time ago my friend Tonny Kyokunda bought a travel insurance from you. Her planned trip to sweden was cancelled may 3 becuse she was denied a visa. Just want to know why you have'nt refunded her?
Which steps do i gob through to insure my car without wasting a lot of my time
I lost my uap medical insurance card how can I replace it?

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