Question for The Skin Specialists Clinic

Question for The Skin Specialists Clinic

It is almost 11 years since I started developing some blisters on my left foot the side of the small toe and at sole of same foot.
They come one after another. They are fill with watery liquid and itch for 2 days if I do not scratch them, they do not expand but keep disturbing when I put on closed shoe or an open shoe whose lather is in contact with the blisters. In case I bust them, the become wounds that eventually heal on their own. I can stay for 3 to 4 weeks without seeing any blister. They will appear again in the same fashion, one or two blisters appear first followed by others.
In case I do not bust them, the area will become stiff and dark and looks as if I have scars wherever those blisters were. Please, help!!!

I wish there was a way of sending you a picture of that foot.

I am 42 years old man.

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