Car & General is a leading supplier of generators, motorbikes, tuktuks, laundry equipment, lawn mowers, scooters, marine engines, construction equipment and a wide range of power generation, automotive and engineering products in East Africa for 75 years. Car & General is headquatered in Nairobi with branches in Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Kitengela and Eldoret. It has subsidiaries in Uganda (Kampala) with a branch in Ndeeba, Mbarara, Tanzania (Dar-es-Salaam) with branches in Arusha, Mwanza and Zanzibar and Rwanda in Kigali. As part of Tanzania´s operation, Car & General operates Kibo Poultry Products Limited one of the oldest chicken broiler farms on the African continent, situated at Moshi.
Car & General (U) LtdPlot 81, Jinja Road, Box 207256-414-230993, 256-414-234560
You people have let me down,i wanted a profoma invoice for the generator which i can use in the office and pumping water.
i have never recieved it through my mail its now three weeks since ordered for it.
How do people work.
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