Questions & Answers for Capital Shoppers Ltd - Kampala

Here you will find questions & answers for Capital Shoppers Ltd. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
Hello. Do you outsource HR services?. if yes could an interested consultancy firm partner with you
Please cant you display what is in the stores and may be people like us who are up country buy from where we stay? Thank
Hello. Do you still have Theramed toothpaste in stock?
Do you have an employee in the names of sserwanga Denis as a manager at ntinda branch??
Hi sir/ madam

We are one of the leading Manufacturers of terry towels and bed sheets from India. We plan to visit uganda soon so request you to advise suitable date and time to meet.
Also advise the concern persons details.

Look forward to your reply.

Can l get cookingware with KIDA and stick holders?
I would like to find out the different mosquito repellents you have, the best brands you have.


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