London Bridge Islamic Nursery and Primary School P.O.Box 36641, JJOKOLERA NANGABO SUB COUNTY KAMPLA UGANDA EAST AFRICA00256773076142/ 00447903588761
The school project was initiated privately in 2012 with an aim of up lifting the standards of primary education for both boys and girls who are poor, needy children and orphans in the area. The main goal is to promote education and mobilize community through awareness to enhance sustainable development in the area and Uganda in general. The community and the initiators realized the need for a primary school for orphans, needy and other children who are walking long distances in the area to acquire quality affordable education. It is saddening that many of these children are orphans who lost their parents to AIDS.
London Bridge Islamic Nursery and Primary School P.O.Box 36641, JJOKOLERA NANGABO SUB COUNTY KAMPLA UGANDA EAST AFRICA00256773076142/ 00447903588761
good organisation
well organised, catering for all people, good location
I don't know the location of the school mentioned. Can you give a well known location of the school please. I would like to inquire if there is boarding for nursery kids.
Huudu Mubiru
This school is a primary school only day and is located between Gayaza road and Bombo road close to Saidina Abubakar medical centre
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