This is a counseling company that does all kinds of counseling and all categories of people,it does other duties like teaching, sensitizing,career guidance,and many others
Products & Services (3)
we counsel everyone who is in a bad state and teach communities or groups of people.
PRICE: 100000 +
Talking to the youth groups
We visit youth groups in Uganda empowering them with skills of life eg how to be self employed
PRICE: Negotiable
We do research for any interested institution and mostly about the youths sector and domestic stuff
I'm looking for a job according to my education and experience if there is.l'm 51 years old and a civil engineer with 24 years experienced in concrete dam, tunnel excavation and linning, monitoring instruments,soil dam, anchoring and grouting projects.
The accuracy of the company profile for COUNSEL THE WORLD is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator. Last update on Registered with us on