PAKAST TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED has ventured in Geophysical and Hydrogeological surveys, Water well drilling, Coring and Geotechnical with services that meet the international standards, using advanced technology.
The company offers borehole drilling services to: NGOs & companies, Individuals homes, Schools, Hospitals across Uganda. We have the knowledge and experience to design and drill the perfect well.
Borehole Drilling services combo: Geophysical, Drilling, Pumping, Solar Water pumping systems, Tank, Installation.
Technologies for drilling engineering and geological wells: diamond drilling, RC drilling, core drilling air hammer, auger drilling.
Search for mineral deposits: gold, drilling of seismic exploration wells when searching for oil deposits, and wells used for Show more other purposes.
Geophysics (deposit survey)
PAKAST offers low-altitude magnetic survey using UAV. We establish magnetic data processing and create.gbd database along with magnetic field anomalies map.
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