Reviews of Kireka Grammar Junior School - Kampala

Here you will find reviews about Kireka Grammar Junior School. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
3 Reviews
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Thanks alot the teachers and administration of grammar coz u did wat aparent could hv done 4 achild,thank u and to fellow classmates i miss u alot
Thanx to the teachers of kireka grammar coz you taught me wat i know right now,in all the schools i hav been to, this is my favourite.Thank you so much 4 the care,love and knowledge.No matter how much i try,i will never forget this school and my classmates from 2008-2009 when i completed my P.7 i miss all of them and special thanks to Mr.Kayiza Micheal, Mr.Nzwende Eric and last but not least Mr.Oyana Andrew thanks so much for all ur help, i appriciate it dearly.
In all the schools ive gone to, grammar is my favourite coz it taught me alot. Thanx u so much to all the teachers and fellow students.