Questions & Answers for Centenary Rural Development Bank Ltd - Lira Branch

Here you will find questions & answers for Centenary Rural Development Bank Ltd - Lira Branch. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
Can I withdraw money from my account using cente mobile with a phone number which is not registered in the bank with the assistance from the bank?
Can my account still be active when have not deposited some money in it like for one year
1:can I send money via eurogiro to my own account in Uganda when am out of the country? 2:how can I prove/check that the money sent had reach my account?
3: can I access or you send for me the swift code n the bank code as well as the branch code ?
4:is it possible for a customer to used the students account to send in money without any limitation
History of centenary bank,Lira branch,when it began?

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