Questions & Answers for PRE MOTORS LIMITED - Kampala

Here you will find questions & answers for PRE MOTORS LIMITED . All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
How much can a rumion cost me after clearing everything
How much does it does it cost to curry a car Toyota passo from Mombasa to kampala
Dear Rodeth,
Thank you for your question,
It costs only $775 to clear and deliver a Toyota Passo from Mombasa to Kampala.
How long can a vehicle take to reach Kampala from Nagoya after a customer has paid for it through your company.
Dear Musa Muyonjo
Thank your for your good question,
It takes only 6 weeks to ship a car from Nagoya Japan, clear it at the port and deliver it to Kampala.

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