Company description
ROOFINGS GROUP is situated about 6km outside Kampala city centre on Plot 126 Entebbe Road, Lubowa. Occupying a 39 acre expanse of land, we are the leading producer of quality steel products in Uganda, with far reaching influence across the East African region. Roofings Limited was the first of all three Roofings Group subsidiary companies to be established.
Products manufactured at Roofings include; galvanized and pre painted roofing sheets, Eco tiles, Hollow sections, mild steel plates and open profiles all widely used building for domestic, commercial, public and industrial purposes.
Established in 1994 under license of the Uganda Investment Authority (UIA), Roofings Limited launched operations in December 1995 and has not looked back since. Like a trail blazer, Roofings Show more
Limited’s success story has helped weave the path for the Roofings Group vision to be birthed sooner than originally anticipated.
Roofings Limited’s initial investment value, just US$ 2 million at establishment has continually grown and reached US $ 70 million, much of which is pumped into importing the most appropriate technology, raw material, and refining varied production processes to the minutest detail. We combine superior technical competence and unrivalled technological efficiency to produce the quality steel products we are famous for.
We mainly engage in cold-forming production with a total installed capacity currently at 160,000 metric tonnes per annum.
Cold forming is done by rolling or pressing thin gauges of sheet steel into the desired product. The material is manipulated continuously by pressing, rolling, even stamping until it takes the required shape. The effect of heat is minimized. Cold formed steel is light in weight, very strong, easy to install, virtually non-combustible, easy to handle in transportation, none shrinking in temperature and recyclable.